movie: The Devil Wears Prada – 4/5 *should see*

When I initially heard the premise, I dismissed the movie immediately as one of those fluff movies. I was very pleasantly surprised that it is not just “one of those fluff movies. It is in reality a different kind of fluff movie, one that showcases Meryl Streep’s Anna-Wintour-like character to great effect!

Meryl Streep never raises her voice in the movie, never so much as raises an eyebrow but she achieves her desired effect of being overbearing and tyrannical just by her mere presence.

I think this movie works because of adept directing and great acting all round. It’s all about the acting people! That’s why they call them actors! (Lousy Dumbledore replacement take note!)

Very very fun movie, not least because of all the great fashion but also because it’s immense fun and another great give-your-brain-an-off-day movie.

BTW, the very yummy Simon Baker plays Anne Hathaway’s possible suitor. Reason alone to see this film!

4 out of 5. Should see.